PA12 - MJF

Polyamide 12 (Nylon 12)
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Maximal size for series production
256 x 340 x 360 mm
Maximal size for prototyping
256 x 340 x 360 mm
Heat distortion temperature (at 0.45MPa)
Tensile strength at break
48 MPa
Elongation at break
20 %
Flexural modulus
1730 MPa
Izod impact strength (at 23°C, notched)
53 kJ/m²

PA12 produced using Multi Jet Fusion technology is suitable for series production of both small and large parts. The technology allows the production of complex shapes while maintaining small details with high precision. The material comes in a basic gray color, but it can be dyed black. An alternative to PA12 is the more durable PA11 material, which is characterized by greater flexibility.
